Thursday, December 12, 2013

A.rtistically R.aising T.he S.tandard: Winter in the A.R.T.S. Studio...

Peaceful Greetings Family,

The week is almost over but my infant and toddler students have been busy creating delightful charming and authentic work. This week's art studio project is focused on winter and cold weather.

We have been exploring new materials to paint with that can easily be found at home, Qtips and foam peanuts from packages.

"Children's art is not about the product but the process  in which art is created." Willfully "Children can developed a life long curiosity in art that transcends time..."

Let's look and see what we have been up to...

Literacy Connection: 
Author/Illustrator: Claudia Rueda
"This delightful  book takes you through the journey of a mother polar bear and baby polar as he learns and grows. He discovers snowstorms and that he is loved."


Art Activity: 
"Children use light blue paper to create a winter scene of snow and ice with combination of green blue, light blue and white paint."

"Here children practice dotting and stippling with q tips and foam peanut shapes to make a winter storm."


 "Children practice cooperative learning by sharing art materials, Here two children share a plate of paint and work together nicely." ;)

 "Children continue to paint using foam peanuts to create dots and marks on their paper."

Starting January 6, 2013

I will be teaching a winter “Tot Zone” Class at the Eliot School in Jamaica Plain, MA the focus of this class is for children ages 2-3 years age with an accompanied caregiver. I am excited to be facilitating this course and have lots a great art projects planned related to the season and family. Please click on the link below to register. Classes are filling quickly! Class will take place on Monday mornings from 10am to 11am.


If you’re interested in learning more about me as an artist and or are interested in me teaching a course in art for your program/center of education please contact me at

I am certified to work with children from Preschool to Second grade.

Let's create Art from the HeArt!

Peace and Blessings

Da Artist ZNT

Zahirah Nur Truth



Monday, December 9, 2013

Da Artist* Da Educator* Da Visionary: Exploring Art and Literacy

Peace Family,

I know it's been a while and wanted to take this opportunity to show you what I have been up to lately in the Art Studio working with young children. 

Some of you are aware I am a formally trained  Early Childhood Specialist with a passion for Art. I am happy to say that here in the state of Massachusetts I am a certified Infant/Toddler, Preschool as well as Director I and II professional.

Let's learn a little more about the program that I run and take a peek into the studio.



Literacy Program

A.rtistically R.aising T.he S.tandard

The main benefit of incorporating literacy into an art program is that most children are naturally visual learners when combining linguistics with letters sounds, letters and word recognition you are strengthening young children’s ability to read and write at an early age. The overall goal of the A.R.T.S. and Literacy program is to bring these two worlds together in a fun and engaging way that is appealing to young children and families. Children will be exposed to literacy via many modalities; conversation, exposure to artistic terminology, traditional children’s literature in the form of child appropriate books. Children will learn about letters and words by being submerge in a child friendly art studio that is enriched with words labeled on common areas, tools and objects that they may be used in the Art Studio. Each lesson will be geared to the development of Early Head Start /Head Start /School Readiness programs. They will then be scaffold to meet the learning needs of individual groups and individual children with varied learning abilities. All of my lesson plans are created in way in which similar concepts can be taught to elementary aged children by scaffolding the learning techniques and requirements to the needed level.



Art Studio


Ms Zahirah

Literacy Connection: 

“The Family Book”
By Todd Parr


Art Activity: 

“Students get to use colorful paper as background in unison with various shapes and textures of paper to create a mix media family collage. They complete the project by using markers to add finishing touches.”


Literacy Connection: 


By Patrick McDonnell


Art Activity: 

What is Art? Making Art and beyond...

“Children learn about different line formation, and get to practice those using crayons; they then finish up the practice by exploring drawing and painting techniques with watercolor. The finished project is a unique mural created as a group.”

If you're interested in learning more about me as an artist and or are interested in  me teaching a course in art for your program/center of education please contact me at

I am certified to work with children from Preschool to Second grade.

Let's create Art from the HeArt!

Peace and Blessings

Da Artist ZNT

Zahirah Nur Truth