Tuesday, October 15, 2013

My Mic Sounds Nice! A Boston Children's Hospital Fundraiser

The time is quickly approaching where

people are becoming more aware of giving back to the community, especially when it concerns children.

Sometimes we feel like we don't have enough time or we just don't know where to go or what to do!

Let me tell you I live for opportunities to be out in community as well as socialize. You can do it all and be it all.

Saturday November 2nd 2013 is around the corner. Why not come out and support a fantastic event.

If your still not sure... 

My Mic Sounds Nice is going to be held at...

Philips House 
780 Morrissey Blvd 
Boston MA

There will be food, fashion and tons of fun! 

I will be modeling one of a kind designs by nilanjo www.nilanjo617.com

This is for spectacular cause Boston's Children's Hospital help a child by making a donation or purchasing tickets they are only $25 dollars and going fast!

Its a great way to spend the weekend with family or friends. 

To purchase visit the link below.


Call me to have a ticket personally delivered at 617-501-0090

If you can't make it please tell a friend it's for the children.

As always...

Peace Family

Zahirah Nur Truth


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Author and Illustrator: New Book Scheduled for 2014: "What's Wrong Sunflower?"

"What's Wrong Sunflower?"
Is a book that supports young children in developing empathy, self esteem and a review of science through nature's seasons. The book is designed to meet children ages 2-5 but can be enjoyable to anyone reading it.

How many times in life has it been raining on your head? In the sense of going through difficult times!  Well sometimes children experience this difficulty too especially because they don't have the same knowledge base of adults.
In this story sunflower takes a journey after getting advice from her friend "Rose".  She tells her to pick up her roots and go. This takes "Sunflower on a journey through all the seasons of the year. During her travels she experiences heavy winds of the fall, the chill of the winter and the down pour of the spring until she reaches the sunny summer. She then stumbles into another friend that provides her with some much needed insight.
"That it doesn't always rain silly!" We all know this is true, that hard times to do not always last.

If you would like to know more about the publication process of this book or donate funds to help further bring this into fruition please feel free to contact me.

The painting above is a 16x20 and is available for sale. It's a limited edition painting that is a representation of the upcoming book. If you would like to see other paintings from the book please contact me. 
Peace and Love
Zahirah Nur Truth

Busy Artist Season....

Peace Everybody

It has been super busy these last few weeks. However lot's of great connections and experiences.

This is what you have missed!

Jamaica Plain Open Studio's was an absolute blast.  This  Studio took place on September 21-22, 2013 at the Eliot School.

In the mean time here are a few great photos from the Open Studio for JPOS!

Speaking with a parent and a prospective student for the "Tot Zone" class held for the Winter of

I teach art classes at the Eliot School for children between the ages of 2-3 years old with a caregiver.

If your interested in having your little one take a class they will resume in the winter on Monday mornings please feel free to click on the link below and contact the school for more useful information.


Discover Roxbury Open Studios: Historic Hibernian Hall studio session was held October 5-6, 2013
It was a great honor and pleasure to be among so many unique and talented individuals! Can't you just tell? Look at my smile!
There was a plethora of art!

A very happy little customer!

Thanks to all whom have come out to support me and my craft! So many generous, beautiful people I know contribute of their time, energy and efforts you are appreciated! Thank you to all the wonderful students and potential customers and other amazing artist I have had the opportunity to meet.
If you would like to know a little bit more about me or contribute to my craft please feel free to visit the following locations in the  Boston Area where you can find my art work on display.
Mission Hill Arts Collective
Parker Hill Branch Library
1497 Tremont Street, Roxbury, MA
New Works 2013:Now until October 18.
Riverside Art Gallery....
5 Callender Street
Cambridge MA
On display till November 10th, 2013

African American Artists:
Passion for a Lifetime

Artists reception will be Sunday October 27, 3-5 PM, with live music! We will have live music at the Artists Reception by The Limbix Duo featuring Liz Ehrman, cello and Rost Varick, keyboard .  A pairing of classical sounds in a jazz setting sets the stage for renditions from African American composers, including: Mingus, Monk and Miles.

What: “African American Artists: Passion for a Lifetime,” is Riverside Gallery’s 2nd Annual juried exhibit of work by African American artists.
Pop Culture
UFORGE Gallery
767 Centre Street
Jamaica Plain, MA
On display until: October 3-27, 2013

Be Sure to come out to the Pop Culture Costume Party on October 19, 2013
Click the link below for further details.
I hope to see you at some of the upcoming events!
Zahirah Nur Truth